On a Tuesday

Réalisé par Sabine El Chamaa - France3, RTS, TV5 Monde

  • Cinema Days of Beirut, Lebanon (October 2010)
  • Cinemed de Montpellier, France (October/ November 2010)
  • 7th Dubai Festival, Emirates-Arab (December 2010): 1st prize of the Muhr Arab
  • Clermont-Ferrand Film Festival, France (February 2011)
  • Film Middle East Now from Firenze, Italy (March 2011)
  • Aflam – Arab film screening – from Marseille, France (April 2011)
  • Arab Cinema of Amsterdam, Netherlands (May/ June 2011)
  • Arab Film Festival in Australia (July 2011)
  • Malmö Arab Film Festival in Sweden (September 2011): best Price of Appreciation for Siham Haddad
  • Mediterranean Women’s Film Festival in Marseille, France (October 2011)
  • Namur International Francophone Film Festival, Belgium (October 2011): Bayard d’Or for best short film in international competition
  • Tangier Film Festival, Morocco (November 2011)


One Tuesday, in a street in Beirut, an elderly woman dressed in an elegant black suit is arrested by a policeman who asks her to return to the shop from which she came out without paying the bill…