Principles and tools for « green » filming

According to a study carried out in 2011, the carbon footprint of the audiovisual sector is significant. It emits about 1 million tonnes of CO2 into the atmosphere each year. About a quarter of them are directly related to filming: transport and electricity consumption are the two main causes.

Environmental transition.

Over the past decade or so, the sector has become aware of its work habits that are not well adapted to environmental requirements. Tight schedules, budgetary pressure, non-sensitized partners and service providers, well-established working methods, are elements that tend to discourage audiovisual companies from starting their ecological transition. However, very simple actions improve not only the economic balance sheet of productions, but also the well-being of filming.


Created in 2009, the Ecoprod collective works in this direction. What is its objective? Develop and make available to professionals in the sector a resource centre to reduce the ecological footprint of their activity, using free tools such as fact sheets, testimonials, guides, directories and production monitoring.

Tools and tips.

Among the measures proposed for filming, there are many clever tips: printing both sides of the screen and giving priority to the dematerialization of documents; offering cups made of 100% biodegradable PLA; reducing food waste by giving the leftovers of the day to filming members who so wish or to local associations. To facilitate the implementation of these practices, it is advisable to appoint, for each shooting, an eco-production referent who will be responsible for coordinating actions.